Priyesh Tiwari

Balfour Collegiate

Hello, reader! My name is Priyesh Tiwari, and I’m a student at Balfour Collegiate. Even though I’m only 18 years old, I’ve already seen a great deal of what the world has to offer. Before setting foot in Canada during grade nine, I lived in India, the USA, and England. I benefitted a lot from my past experiences, and they continue to shape who I am today. While I got to live a diverse life, I also had to repeatedly overcome the challenge of leaving everything behind and adjusting to totally new places. My constant moving made me adaptable, and taught me to never take things for granted.

My greatest strength lies in my academics. I finished grades nine to eleven with a 99% average, putting me at the top of my class. But I’m also a member of Balfour’s Student Leadership Council, and I play the keyboard in the school’s Jazz Band. High school has been a wonderful experience, and this year has been the best yet!

For post-secondary, I will study biology at the University of Alberta, and I hope to pursue a career in medicine afterwards.