Nicole – Luther College High School
When I was younger I had always seen myself graduating alongside my old friends at my previous rural high school. Reflecting on it in my senior year of high school, I am beyond thankful that my parents pushed for me to attend Luther College High School where I have had an abundance of opportunities.
It took me an entire year to decide whether or not I should move from my farm to the dormitories at Luther, therefore I postponed until grade ten. My decision was made during my overnight spend a day when I met many new friends and gained a feeling of security at Luther. In my grade ten year I was eager to try new sports and I ended up playing for the soccer, basketball, badminton, and track and field team. I also excelled academically despite my brother’s warnings to expect my grades to drop.
Now in grade twelve I try to be as involved in my school as possible. Through being on the Student Leadership Council as the dorm representative; helping out during the Senior Girls Volleyball Tournament; taking on head of the banquet committee for the Luther Invitational Tournament; and participating in school fundraisers I feel very connected to Luther.
Next year I plan on studying Animal Biosciences as a pre-graduate to Veterinary Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. I will certainly miss the Luther community but I’m thankful for everything I have learned in these last three years.