Mattea – Thom Collegiate
My name is Mattea Polivka, and I attend Thom Collegiate. Being heavily involved in extracurricular activities is part of what has made high school so enjoyable. Since Grade 9, I have played basketball and volleyball for Thom, been in choir, concert band, jazz band, and been enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program.
Sports are a big part of my life. This is my 11th year playing basketball. Basketball is my favourite sport to play because it is fast paced and it requires physical endurance and skill. I’ve also played volleyball for seven years. Through Grades 10-12, I’ve either been the co-captain or captain for the Thom team. Sports are not only a big source of enjoyment for me; they’ve also taught me responsibility, leadership skills, and how to manage my time.
I really like participating in the music groups at Thom. Music is a great creative outlet for me. In concert band, I play percussion and in jazz band, I play the drums and vibraphone. I have also participated in honour bands.
I take math and biology in IB. IB has been challenging, but I believe it has helped prepare me for university. I feel honoured to be a part of a program that exists around the world.
I believe that it’s important to be a well-rounded person. I couldn’t do all that I do without the love and support of my family and friends. This is a huge honour to be selected for Twelfth Year. Thank you!