Jose – Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School

Hi! My name is Jose Argerami and along with being an Argentine immigrant who is fluent in Spanish, I am currently a grade 12 French immersion student at Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School. Over the past four years I have made Honour Roll every year, I have taken AP Psychology, written the AP French test, and I am currently my school’s Liturgical Director as well as doing AP English and AP Photography. I have been on the SRC for two years.  My first year I was one of the Communications Directors, and this year I am the Minga/Liturgical Representative. I am also one of the leaders of Minga, our school’s social justice group, which focuses on helping those in need, whether it be in a different country or our own community, and everything in between.

Over the years I have been very involved in my parish, Resurrection Roman Catholic Parish, and am now also involved in Christ the King parish. In the fall, I will be starting at the U of R as I begin working towards a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. I was conditionally accepted in October 2015 and was awarded a $2000 entrance scholarship for having an entrance average above 90%. I was very excited to have been approached by Twelfth Year and am very thankful to both Erin and Andrea for all their work in this awesome program!

was arguably the smartest choice of my high school career, as I am now SRC Vice President and quite involved in our community. I have met so many people and hopefully have been impactful in my leadership. Thanks to these programs, I have cut away distracters and discovered my true passion. I am pursuing a future in psychology; one that I feel encompasses every type of perspective, and I have recently been accepted to McGill University.