Hailey – Sheldon-Williams Collegiate

I’m Hailey Somers, a senior at Sheldon-Williams Collegiate and captain of our Spartan basketball and volleyball teams. While at Sheldon, I’ve been involved in many activities such as basketball, volleyball, soccer, track, ultimate frisbee and touch football. Additionally, I have been involved with the arts. I was in band for a year and participated in choir, vocal jazz and the musical production all four of my years at Sheldon.

Sheldon-Williams Collegiate has been a great place for me to grow and develop. When I was little and my dad taught at the school, I’d come for birthday parties or on weekends just to dance on the stage, play in the gym, or have the best game of hide and go seek ever!

My journey through Sheldon has taught me many important things and helped shape me as a person. The amazing relationships I have made at Sheldon with students and teachers will follow me for the rest of my life. I have to thank my teachers at Sheldon for they have truly made me who I am today and have been such a wonderful support system in my life. I will greatly miss them when we part ways at the end of the year, but their advice and inspiration will stay with me.

Beginning this fall, I will be attending Lakeland College in Alberta on a basketball scholarship where I plan to study sciences. A special thanks to Twelfth Year Photography for all of the hard work they put into the program!