Christina – Thom Collegiate
My name is Christina Hlatky, and I like throwing rocks at houses. If you aren’t a curler, you probably didn’t understand this joke. I was born in Ste. Anne, Manitoba, and then moved to Regina, Saskatchewan. I am exceptionally competitive and adapted to sports very well, participating in anything from dancing to football. Sometimes I like to think that I AM Rhonda Rousey. As of seven years ago, I took on curling. I watched it unknowingly when I was little and absolutely hated it. I didn’t understand any of the strategies and, truthfully, it didn’t look like a real sport.
When I got on the ice for the first time, my opinion was changed in an instant. Sweeping was a lot harder than expected, sliding was impossible, and strategy was completely absurd. I started practising more and more and was completely determined to improve. As the years went on, I found myself with three amazing girls. We then competed within Saskatchewan’s top curling, securing a 10-month training program, working towards the Winter Games. So far I have been in two Junior Provincials, Winter Games Training Program, City Champs, and just fell short in Provincials.
In the next few years, curling will become a fun casual sport as I am going to Saskatchewan Polytechnic for dental assisting in the fall, and hope to continue in dental hygiene. Aside from my career aspirations, I also hope to make it into the Scotties to proudly represent not only my province, but Canada as well.