Brooke Chow

Martin Collegiate

My name is Brooke Chow, and I’m graduating from Martin Collegiate. I have been a competitive swimmer for 7 years. Through swimming, I have met some of my closest friends, and have grown immensely as a student athlete. I first developed my love for the sport through Red Cross swimming lessons, so it seems like a full circle moment now that I work as a lifeguard and teach those same lessons. I also coach pre-competitive swimming, and volunteer for my swim club.

Outside swimming and school, I spend a lot of time with my dog, Molly. Oftentimes she helps me procrastinate by laying right on top of me, and smacking me with her paw every time I stop giving her scratches. When she’s not squishing me, or loudly squeaking her toys in my ears, we often explore new places to walk or play fetch.

I am always eager to explore new hobbies and opportunities. I’m quick to take advantage of warm weather, as I prefer spending time outdoors. I love going for hikes and bikes, skiing, the beach, and have recently learned to rollerblade.

I have always felt drawn towards science and math subjects in school, which is why I have decided to pursue engineering, as it will allow me to explore both disciplines with an innovative approach.