Bronwyn H.
Miller Comprehensive Catholic High School
The epigram all Miller students are familiar with, “Be Loud, Proud, and Respectful Marauders,”
has been ingrained in my conscience through my actions in and outside of school.
I am LOUD through my outspokenness on political and social issues. I aim to make the
classroom a place of dialogue, where all students are able to learn from each other and develop
critical thinking. I make my voice heard on ways that we can improve the school environment
through my actions as SRC Vice-President, Senior STRIVE Trustee for Miller, and founder of
Miller’s Alliance for Gender and Sexual Diversity.
I am PROUD to represent my school and my school division through my work advocating for a
multitude of issues outside of the school. I have been lucky to meet with government ministers
and MLAs to speak about youth mental health and LGBTQ+ issues within schools. I have
worked to make myself a leader and role model to my fellow Marauders through my actions.
I am RESPECTFUL towards other people, regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs. Our future
is one of interconnectedness, and I hope that in my future legal, judicial, or political career I will
be able to make a positive impact on our world.
It is an honour to be included with this group of incredible young leaders, I am sure that
tomorrow’s population will be in good hands considering that we will be the scientists,
researchers, entrepreneurs, advocates, and politicians leading Canada into the next chapter of our history.