Ainsley A.

Michael A. Riffel High School

My name is Ainsley Arendt. I am currently completing Grade 12 at Michael A. Riffel High School. Though I tried many extracurricular activities over the past four years, I found myself consistently drawn to the arts. Since Grade 9 I have been actively involved in improv, drama productions, One-Act plays, concert band, and chamber ensemble. As a naturally shy person, these activities have not only pushed me out of my comfort zone but also helped facilitate many long-term friendships. Outside of school, I am involved in the South Saskatchewan Youth Orchestra where I have been a member for 4 years. I am also a member of the “Phlute” choir, where I gather with fellow flautists weekly to play in an ensemble. For the past seven years, I have taken flute lessons and have recently started music theory lessons to enhance my music abilities. In terms of academics, I have maintained a 95%+ average throughout high school. This year I have risen to the challenge of taking AP Calculus and AP English exams to earn University credits. If I am not learning or playing music, I am probably working at one of my two part-time jobs. Although I am sad to leave high school behind, I am very excited to be enrolled in the Pre-Pharmacy program at the University of Regina. I hope to sustain my passion for flute playing by auditioning for the university concert band. I really appreciate being granted this opportunity through the Twelfth Year program!