Sheren – Sheldon-Williams Collegiate

My name is Sheren Jahanpour, and I’m a proud Spartan at Sheldon-Williams Collegiate. I’m the oldest out of three siblings and the only girl. My parents, Eveline and Farzad, have always been very encouraging and supportive of all my choices. Since elementary school, I’ve done my best to get involved in as many activities as I could.

Argyle School was my favourite place to be growing up. I was surrounded by constant learning, friends and great teachers. I proudly led on the Student Representative Council, played my hardest in band, sang my loudest in choir, and ran my fastest in track. I wasn’t the best at any of these, but I put my heart into them all.

Sheldon was the best place for me to find out what I love to do. I have maintained an A average and made honour roll since Grade 9, teaching me that hard work and focus will always pay off. I’ve been a part of the soccer team since Grade 9, as well as the improv team. In Grade 10, I stepped out of my shell and joined the Student Leadership Council. Here, guided by my favourite teachers and good friends, I discovered that leading people was something I loved. This year, elected by my peers, I was an executive member in charge of public relations.

Sheldon-Williams Collegiate has presented me with many amazing opportunities and many lessons that I will take everywhere after I graduate. I will forever bleed the “C.”